Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) - Work Permit
The LMIA - Work Permit is under Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program that allows Canadian employers to hire foreign workers by obtaining an LMIA.
Are you looking to hire or retain employees in Canada that are foreign nationals?
Most Canadian employers must receive approval from the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) before they can hire a foreign national. This application is called the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). Employers typically need to meet a set of requirements, show significant efforts in trying to recruit Canadians for the position and attend an interview with an ESDC officer.
We recommend employers to hire a professional in their LMIA application, so that they comply with requirements on recruitment efforts and get necessary training for their interview. Employers should also start the application process early, as it may take up to 5 months for the Canadian government to approve the LMIA application.
To start the process, business owners will need to decide if the position they are hiring for falls under the Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIA) Stream for Low-Wage Positions or Stream for High-Wage Positions:
If you are offering a wage to a temporary foreign worker that is
At or above the provincial or territorial median hourly wage, the application will be under the Stream for High-Wage Positions
Below the provincial or territorial median hourly wage, the application will be under the Stream for Low-Wage Positions
However, before hiring a temporary foreign worker (TFW), the employer must try to hire Canadians and permanent residents.
Please note that:
- This LMIA application can also be used to support a permanent residence application.
- The employer is always required to pay government processing fee for this LMIA application.
- Employer may use the LMIA to hire one or more foreign workers under the same job title.
- 1创建一个帐户
- 2付款前确认资格
首先,您将回答几个问题以确保您有资格获得签证。只有当您符合资格时,付款才会解锁。付款后会指派移民律师或受监管的顾问来处理您的申请。我们的流程和定价是透明的,并清楚地列出您签证的所有费用和处理时间。请阅读我们的透明度承诺。我们使用 Stripe 进行信用卡或借记卡支付处理,这是安全且加密的。
- 3在线完成您的申请
您可以在付款前完成任意数量的申请任务。慢慢来。有些签证需要大量信息,需要回答问卷和上传文件。我们的系统确保根据您的情况收集必要的一切 - 防止错误和遗漏 - 并节省您的时间。
- 4签证准备和提交
- 5批准和更新
当您的签证获得批准时,我们会通知您!如果政府有任何疑问或拒绝,我们将予以答复并重新提交,而无需支付任何进一步费用。我们将您的移民文件安全存储 7 年,并在任何到期日期之前提供警报。当您的所有移民历史都集中在一个地方时,更新或迈出下一步以获得公民身份就很容易。
- Ability to fulfill terms of the job offer
- CV (résumé) of intended employee
- LMIA Transition Plan
- PNP Experience
- Proof of Address
- Proof of Costal Trade
- Proof of Providing a Good or Service