Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) 2022 lottery is now complete
IRCC invited 23,100 potential sponsors to apply for family sponsorship from a pool of 182,113 interested sponsors who submitted forms in 2020.
The Canadian PGP aims to assist Canadian sponsors in reuniting with their family members, allowing their parents and grandparents to obtain Canadian permanent resident status and take advantage of the benefits that go along with it, including access to universal healthcare and a possible path to citizenship.
Between October 12 and 20, 2022, IRCC invited 23,100 potential sponsors to apply from the pool of 182,113 remaining potential sponsors who submitted an interest to sponsor form in 2020.
If you have yet to receive an email invitation from IRCC, you are not invited in 2022. The next rounds of invitations will likely take place in a year from now.
Before completing the application, any potential sponsor who got an invitation during the most recent PGP season will want to validate their program eligibility. PGP sponsorship applicants have until December 24, 2022, from the date of receipt of an ITA, to submit a complete application.
If you’re not invited to apply, you can still have your parents and grandparents come to Canada to visit you!
Apply for the parent and grandparent Super Visa, which is valid for 10 years and allows holders to stay in Canada as visitors for 5 years without having to renew it.
Check out details about Parents and Grandparents Super Visa.