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L1 Work Visa - New Office in U.S.

L-1A visa for intracompany transferees employed abroad by a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary, for managerial or executive roles in the U.S.

Are you a foreign employer looking to send your employee to the U.S.?

L-1A visa classification applies to intracompany transferees who, within the three preceding years, have been employed abroad continuously for at least one year, and who will be employed by a branch, parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of that same employer in the U.S. in a managerial or executive capacity.   This also includes individuals who are coming to the U.S. to open or be employed in a new office in the United States.

Executives or Managers coming to open a new office in the U.S. must be able to show that the new office in the U.S. will support an Executive or Manager within one year of the approval of the petition. 

While the L-1 classification is generally granted for 3 years at a time, the L-1A New Office approval is for 1 year, with a maximum duration of 7 years for any extension requests.

Dependent family members, including spouses and any children under 21 may accompany the L-1A visa holder to the U.S. in L2 status.  The L2 spouse is permitted to work in the U.S.

We recommend beginning the L-1A New Office petition quickly, as government processing times and visa appointment wait times can be unpredictable.

For New Office petitions, the applicant must show:

  • The foreign national will be working as an executive or manager
  • Ownership of a physical location office space
  • The employee has been employed as an executive or manager for one continuous year within the last three years before filing the petition; and
  • The new office will support an executive or managerial position within one year of the approval of the petition
  • L-1A visas may be issued when an employer files a petition to obtain authorization for qualified employees to be allowed to work and live in the United States to support the newly created US operations.
  • The L-1A visa is for intracompany transferees who work in managerial or executive positions in a company that is located outside the United States who will be coming to the US in an executive or managerial position.

    Our Services:

    We provide an easy to use platform to gather the necessary information for your specific situation, combined with Immigration expert guidance, preparation and review of your application.

    Our team will review your eligibility submission and provide you with confirmation of your ideal immigration program prior to payment of any fees. Once you decide to proceed, our platform guides you through a series of questions and helps you gather all the necessary documents. Our immigration experts will then prepare your case and complete the necessary forms, while reviewing the application to ensure it presents the best possible case. As the applicant, you will file the final application yourself.

    Your dedicated case manager will provide end-to-end review and communication throughout the life of the application, including assisting with responses to any USCIS requests, to maximize your chances of success.  The SuperVisas platform tracks key dates and expirations  to ensure deadlines and renewal dates are not missed.

    Additional Services:

    We also offer our clients supplemental visa and application services which may be required by the U.S. Government as part of an application filing, or which may improve an application’s success rate.  

    For example, if you are not comfortable handling the communications with the government and filing your own application, then we can help you use an immigration lawyer to represent you as an Additional Service with additional fees. We have a network of qualified  U.S. attorneys and legal experts if you want the added peace of mind in knowing that your application is being represented by a licensed immigration attorney before the U.S. Government.

    SuperVisas provides the following Additional Service for this visa: 
    • Attorney Representation - In addition to our preparation of your application, you will be represented by a licensed immigration lawyer throughout the entire application process. If you chose this Additional Service, your case will be submitted by a licensed immigration attorney who will also respond to any additional requests from USCIS on your behalf. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that an attorney is handling all communications with USCIS.
    • Business Plans - A Business Plan is a document that outlines how an applicant's business or past successes will succeed in the U.S. by focusing on applicant investments, intentions, and their prior work experiences.

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  • 100만 달러의 보험
  • 안전한 암호화 문서 저장

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  • 1
    계정 생성

    자격 검사를 하거나, 비자를 선택하거나, 직접 가입하여 계정을 생성하세요. 그러면 저희의 서비스와 정부로의 수수료 결제에 필요한 모든 문서를 볼 수 있습니다. 질문이 있으시면, 영업팀에 쉽게 연락하거나 전화 상담을 예약할 수 있습니다.

  • 2
    지불 전 자격 확인

    먼저 몇 가지 질문에 답하여 비자 자격이 있는지 확인합니다. 자격이 있는 경우에만 결제가 가능합니다. 결제를 하면 이민 변호사 또는 등록된 컨설턴트가 귀하의 신청서를 배정합니다. 저희는 프로세스와 가격에 대해 투명하며, 비자의 모든 수수료와 처리 시간을 명확하게 나열합니다. 저희의 투명성 서약을 읽어보세요. 우리는 신용 카드 또는 직불 카드 결제 처리를 위해 Stripe를 사용하며, 이는 안전하고 암호화되어 있습니다.

  • 3
    온라인으로 신청서 작성

    결제 전에 귀하가 원하는 만큼의 신청서를 완료할 수 있습니다. 천천히 해도 됩니다. 일부 비자는 많은 정보를 요구하며, 이는 설문 조사에 답하고 문서를 업로드하는 것을 필요로 합니다. 우리의 시스템은 여러분의 상황에 따라 필요한 모든 것이 모아지는 것을 보증합니다. 이로써 실수와 빠뜨린 것을 예방하고 시간을 절약합니다.

  • 4
    비자 준비 및 제출

    모든 작업이 완료되면, 저희 전문가들은 여러분의 답변을 검토하고 비자가 최적의 상황에서 제출될 수 있도록 신청서를 준비할 것입니다. 신청서가 완료되고 정부 수수료를 올바르게 계산할 수 있을 때 정부 수수료도 납부해야 합니다. 귀하와 저희의 전문가들에 의한 최종 검토 후에 신청서가 제출됩니다! 정확한 신청서가 제출된 상태에서는 안심하실 수 있습니다.

  • 5
    승인 및 갱신

    비자가 승인되면 여러분에게 알려드립니다! 정부로부터 질문이나 거절이 있을 경우, 저희는 그에 대답하고 추가 수수료 없이 다시 제출합니다. 저희는 여러분의 이민 문서를 7년 동안 안전하게 보관하고 만료일이 다가오기 전에 알림을 제공합니다. 모든 이민 역사가 한 곳에 모여 있으면 시민권을 향한 다음 단계를 차지하거나 갱신하는 것이 쉽습니다.

전문가 검토
저희의 경험 많은 등록된 이민 컨설턴트들이 모든 신청서를 검토하고 완성합니다.
비용 절감
저희의 기술은 기존의 로펌보다 비용을 훨씬 절감시킵니다.
더 빠르고 정확함
저희의 소프트웨어는 이민을 변화시키고 있지만, 언제나 사람의 지원이 가능합니다.
필수 서류

제공해야 할 문서와 저희가 여러분을 위해 준비할 수 있는 문서가 있습니다.

  • Abroad Company Corporate Tax Returns
  • Abroad Company Lease Agreement
  • Abroad Company Organization Chart
  • All tax returns from the past two tax years
  • Articles of incorporation for all entities
  • Articles of incorporation for your current company abroad.
  • Current I-94
  • Destination Company Corporate Tax Returns
  • Destination Company Lease Agreement
  • Destination Company Organization Chart
  • Duties Percentage Chart
  • Employment Agreement
  • Employment Agreement of Managed Employees
  • Employment Verification Letters
  • Passport Biographic Page
  • Pay Statements of Managed Employees
  • Pay stubs for the past 12 months
  • Prior I-797A approval notice
  • Recent promotional or marketing materials
  • Resume
  • Resumes of your employees