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15 dic 2022
Super News

Inactive Officers Assigned Thousands of Applications

The Canadian immigration department has assigned tens of thousands of applications to inactive or non-functioning placeholder codes or immigration officers.

Inactive Officers Assigned Thousands of Applications

According to a CBC news report this week, the Canadian immigration department has assigned tens of thousands of applications to inactive or non-functioning placeholder codes or immigration officers. Some of the IRCC officers' last logged-in time was 16 years ago.

The oldest login occurred on October 6, 2006, and was associated with one application located in Montreal. A code or employee in Edmonton who last logged in on May 9, 2007, has 19 applications assigned to them.

According to CBC News, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) data on "inactive users" on their worldwide internal system shows 59,456 open, pending or re-opened applications assigned to 779 former employees or dormant computer placeholder codes used to hold applicants in queue.

These codes are used at locations worldwide, including Canadian airports, border ports, and processing facilities as well as consulates and embassies in countries including the United States, the Philippines, India, Haiti, Poland, Brazil, and Tunisia, to mention a few.

The city with the most inactive codes was Ottawa, followed by Edmonton, Vancouver, and Sydney, Newfoundland.

Some PR applicants had zero communication from IRCC for a year and a half, and some PR applicants waited for a full year just to receive an acknowledgement email from IRCC. This is an example that IRCC can be inefficient and have errors sometimes.

People are always wondering how IRCC processes the application, why IRCC is not processing applications on time or why IRCC is slow. To an applicant, sometimes it is hard to know where you can check an application, understand the government's very formal language or find the right channel to communicate with the government. But you can always ask an immigration expert to track your application, help you to communicate with IRCC officers efficiently and get updates from IRCC.

SuperVisas can be your friend and ally in your immigration journey. By using our services, you can avoid the situation in this story from happening.

  • When an application takes too long to process, our qualified and experienced immigration specialists know how to best follow up with IRCC agents and interact with them.
  • If the government delayed the application process, overlooked paperwork, or issued visas incorrectly, our team can advocate on your behalf potentially saving you a lot of time and energy.

Wondering about travel, study, or work in Canada? Check your eligibility and find out what is possible.

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